Welcome in the Department of Education and Culture

Welcome to the Department of Education and Culture in Sport at the Institute of Sport Science at the Universität Münster. The research area was established in the winter semester 2022/23 and thus represents the most recent expansion at the Institute of Sport Science and underlines the importance of a qualified (initial) education of future sport teachers.
In teaching and research, we deal with sports pedagogical issues that primarily relate to school sports, i.e. to physical education and other extracurricular activities (e.g. class trips with a sports focus, physical activity programs in all-day programs, etc.) that complement or deepen physical education pedagogically. One focus of our work is the education and training of physical education teachers and the support of their professional development, because not only future teachers, but also those who are already in the profession, are constantly confronted with social transformations that also have an impact on physical education. More recently, the right of all children and adolescents to participate in the general school system ("inclusion"), but also ongoing migration movements, for example, have brought the heterogeneity of the student body into focus. However, the ubiquitous availability of digital media is also changing the face of (school) sport and the associated sport pedagogical requirements, which we are contributing to researching on the one hand and for which we are developing training concepts on the other, in order to prepare pedagogical specialists appropriately.
On the following pages you will find further information on our research areas, on topics related to teaching as well as on the team of the department. We hope that you will find all the information you need on our homepage. If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to contact us directly!


© StadtSportbundMünster

Job/project advertisement: Need-based movement development for children and young people with disabilities

The aim of the project is a demand-oriented development of physical activity for children and adolescents with disabilities with a focus on the health promotion of the target group. The basis for this is a scientific needs assessment for the professional implementation of which we are now looking for support.
Further information can be found here.
Applications will be accepted by 17 July 2024. e-mail

© E.Eils

Job Advertisement Mountaineering

For the excursion "Mountain Sports" from September 6 to 13, a position as an sports-assistant is available. The main tasks are to support the preparation and running of the event. Experience in mountaineering/mountain hiking, via ferrata or mountain biking is required, licenses or coaching certificates are desirable. Long-term support for the excursion is desirable. If you are interested, please contact Eike Boll or Eric Eils by 28.06.2024 with a short letter of motivation stating the number of semesters, experience in the sports and other skills.

© H.Leineweber

WiRe-Fellow visits the Dep. of Education and Culture in Sport

Dr. Maria Campos from the University of Coimbra (Portugal) came to visit the IfS to coincide with the Special Olympics State Games, most of which took place at the University Sports Campus. Maria Campos is one of this year's fellows of the Women in Research (WiRE) program of the University of Münster. Together with JProf. Dr. Helga Leineweber, Dep. Education and Culture, she is conducting the project "Fostering Physical Education 4 All Abilities". This transnational project aims at analyzing the self-efficacy of prospective physical education teachers in Portugal and Germany in order to develop professional skills in inclusive settings.


New publication "Schulsport 2030"

The new anthology "Schulsport 2030 - Analysen von Lehr-/Lernwerkzeugen und Praxismaßnahmen in der Sportlehrkräftebildung" by Dr. Fabian Pels and Prof. Dr. Jens Kleinert, with the contribution "Auf den zweiten Blick - seminaristische Einführung in die professionelle Wahrnehmung von Lehren und Lernen im Sportunterricht anhand von Videovignetten" by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Helga Leinweber, Lars Fischer and Dr. Petra Guardiera, has been published by Nomos and Academia Verlag.

© Lena Henning

Research day on the occasion of the Special Olympics NRW State Games

A research day was held on Wednesday, 22 May, to mark the start of the Special Olympics NRW state games. The event, which was jointly organized by the Department of Education and Culture in Sport (Prof. Dr. Helga Leineweber) and the Department of Sport Psychology (Dr. Lena Henning) in cooperation with the Willibald Gebhardt Institute, aimed to bring together different stakeholders in the field of sport for people with intellectual or multiple disabilities. Scientists and students from Leipzig, Münster, Stuttgart and Graz not only gave presentations on current teaching concepts and research findings, but also discussed practical implications and further research and development needs with representatives from Special Olympics Germany and some state associations as well as athletes, coaches and supervisors. The event was supported by Unfallkasse NRW.
We would like to thank you for the exciting exchange and the stimulating discussions.